Tuesday, November 4, 2008

strictly for saps

if you've only been reading for the occasional piece of eastern euro grit move on. sometimes im a girl. cute overload doesnt do much for me and i've never even seen the notebook and i hate to death jane austin but when a 17 year old girl almost starts crying because all she wanted ever was just to meet somebodies (anybodies and maybe even nobodies) from another country and speak to them in english like she's been practicing and i tell her i'm from arizona and she says wow and bends her knees and looks up to the sky and her eyes well up with tears and i'm going to be kind of touched.
i got what i deserved for walking around in the rain with demolished shoes. im kind of sick and my card still hasnt made it. and my phone shut down and liz is bailing me out. and we decide to meet on the street and theres this awkward moment where we both kind of feel like we're making a drug deal and it doesnt help that my eyes feel like they're on fire. and then theres this girl in a little white elfish hooded coat and shes talking. shes 17 and shes from outside of moscow. her teacher says her english is horrific. and i can barely hear an accent and she keeps apologizing but they're perfect apologies. she's only 17 and shes in proper university. and shes so in awe with us. so much so that her eyes are going to pop out of her head and she's clutching her heart and she's saying "wow" over and over and we're only just these two kids from america making a shady cash pass on a bridge.
and we didnt do anything at all and her dreams coming true and i kind of started crying and i kind of wish id loved every bit of every minute so much when i was 17. and i kind of wish i could love every bit of every minute so much anytime at all. maybe some day if i eat all my vegetables and finish all my chores and say all my prayers maybe then just a bit.
totally beautiful. totally sapz.

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