i dont really know why they shucked us all over to estonia.

except for that its the most beautifulgreensafefriendlyembracingacceptingcalmyetyoustillknowyourineasterneuropewhenagagleofpoplerunsbyandplaysagamerunninginacircleanddisappearswithaleafshakinggustofwind.

heres to joking on the bus that when we got to the border the sun would peek out and everyone would be smiling and asking what language we wanted to converse in and here, here's a flower and a glass of wine. just in time for rocktoberfest. which means a bunch of swedish deathmetal bands playing in an eroding building like a castle where the windows hang on by threads or maybe that is just the wine but no one cares the difference anyhow. we wanted to follow the ruckus but standing outside the hotel and perking up our ears wasnt good enough. ask the concierge. its not russia; she found it all in seconds on the internet and circled it on a map with a smile. and we trecked up a hillside and asked a few tourists and went too far and asked in a gas station and they all smiled and helped. we had to ask one last place but we got it down and wandered over. we could see the crowd outside. black. vests. some chains. zombies dripping off their faces kind of tshirts. they're all late thirties and getting fat. they're all ready to rock. after one more cigarette. we head in. big guy at the stairs. liz charges the stairs and in seconds he kindly removes her. 600 krun. no thanks for that, thats about 60USDs. wander around the parking lot looking for deserters who might give us their stubs. no such luck. go to the other side of the building and watch the windows shake as recycle bin or maybe its figer claw starts playing. slightly sad to be on the inside looking out and slink away down the hill. live music and old people in a cruddy hooky old people bar. get comfortable and eat chips with ketchup salsa and true estonian drink. too bad about the deathmetal estonia. we wont hold it against you.

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